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Bacon Gets Its Due

On Tuesday, May 24 at 7:05 pm ET, the Richmond Flying Squirrels will present their best promotion yet: A Tribute to Bacon.   Maximize the baconess of the evening with this bacon 411: Add bacon to any concession item for  $1 . To funnel cake? Done. To your soda? Done.  All bacon fans in attendance will receive bacon coupons. Bacon during the game. Bacon after the game.  Last name Bacon? You're in luck: discount! There will be  "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" contests. The suspense has my bacon in a wad. The first pitch will be thrown by Kevin Bacon (a local detective, not the actor). Buy one/get one ticket for every  KRAFT Singles  package wrapper(s) you bring to the game! Deux guests for 1/2 the bacon.  And last but not least: Bacon Fireworks! Someone needs to infuse fireworks with bacon grease. Or pack the pyrotechnics with bacon pieces that scatter and rain down on the hungry, bacon-frenzied crowd. But for this 2011 tribute, the Richmond Times Dispat
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